Brick wins! Part 2

Brick wins! Part 2

We recently brought you part 1 in this series of posts highlighting award winning projects featuring fired clay brick, as recognized by the 2020 Brick in Architecture Awards from the Brick Industry Association (BIA). We’ve been presenting you with designs using brick supplied by members of BIA’s Heartland Region, but you can check out all the winners from all over the world on the BIA’s website. Since there were so many awarded projects from BIA’s Heartland Region members, we’ve broken this topic into three parts. Watch for the final installment coming soon.

Since a picture paints a thousand words, let’s get right down to it!

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Brick wins! Part 1

Brick wins! Part 1

The national Brick Industry Association (BIA) recently announced the winning projects entered into its 2020 Brick in Architecture Awards — the country’s most prestigious architectural awards competition focusing on genuine clay brick. You can check out all the winning designs from brick manufacturers all over the U.S. (and world) on the BIA website, but we’d like to use this blog post to highlight those brick companies who are members of BIA’s Heartland Region.

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3 top Tech Notes about brick you need to read

3 top Tech Notes about brick you need to read

The Brick Industry Association (BIA) provides a wealth of technical advice and training to architects, designers, and builders on the nitty gritty details of applying fired clay brick to structures. Despite also offering albums full of beautiful photos of brick buildings and plenty of information about construction market trends, BIA’s Technical Notes have long been the most popular content on its website.

Let’s just acknowledge this right up front: This is not sexy stuff. The proper placement of flashing relative to a window opening, though important, is not exactly inspiring. But the consistent popularity of BIA’s Technical Notes tells us that today’s design and construction pros recognize both the aesthetic and functional benefits of brick, and they want to do it right.

Below are a few of the most referenced Technical Notes by architects, designers, and builders. You’ll want to check them out, too.

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Three reasons your glass building needs brick

Three reasons your glass building needs brick

Nowhere in the pages of this blog will you find the claim that clay brick can deliver the same look as a glass curtain wall. Brick is extremely versatile and can’t be beat when it comes to design flexibility, but the aesthetics of brick and glass are at opposite ends of the spectrum. However, as opposites tend to attract, so brick and glass can be combined for fantastic results. Here’s why incorporating brick into your largely-glass designs is a great idea.

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4 Myths about Clay Brick Pavements and Accessibility

4 Myths about Clay Brick Pavements and Accessibility

Despite brick’s proven history as a pavement material, clay brick pavers somehow suffer from the misperception that they can’t be used to create surfaces that are accessible for those with disabilities. People point to the potential for non-uniform elevations to develop between the individual units, or that the gaps between the pavers generate vibration for wheelchairs, or that the surface of clay pavers is simply too slippery.

It’s unfortunate that these myths persist. In truth, brick pavements are no different from other surfaces in that careful design, installation, and maintenance can allow them to meet accessibility standards. The only real difference is that brick looks better and lasts longer. Here are some common myths about brick paving with regard to accessibility:

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Brick sculpture: Telling stories in brick

Brick sculpture: Telling stories in brick

A single, fired clay brick is a humble block. And yet, in the hands of excellent designers and masons it can be made to do amazing things. That’s never more true than in the case of brick sculpture.

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