Free live webinar series for AIA credit

Free live webinar series for AIA credit

It’s our goal here at the Heartland Region of the Brick Industry Association (BIA), and at the national Brick Industry Association, to support architects as they create beautiful, durable, inspiring structures. To that end, we offer lots of technical resources, including our popular Technical Notes and online courses through AEC Daily, at no charge. We like free.

We know you like free, too, so in the absence of in-person conferences and seminars in our COVID-19 impacted world, BIA is bringing you a series of live webinars to help you stay up to date with your continuing education.

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Houses of worship: More than just beauty

Houses of worship: More than just beauty

Designing houses of worship, such as synagogues, mosques, and churches, comes with serious challenges for architects. There are multiple values in play simultaneously that would seem at odds with each other. It’s just a building…the real worth is in the worship that takes place there among the people who gather. The building should serve as a tool to inspire people toward authentic worship and remind them of something larger than themselves. The building should be modest so as to reserve funds for higher causes. The building should be set apart and stand the test of time, serving as a symbol and landmark for the community. Wow. That’s a lot for any designer to balance. A house of worship is at once sacred and earthly. Where does one begin?

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Quiz: What do you know about brick arches?

Quiz: What do you know about brick arches?

The brick arch is a classic feature of traditional brick masonry structures. It is as functional and durable as it is beautiful. A brick masonry arch found in the ruins of Ur in Mesopotamia dates back to 1400 B.C.! But there’s no reason why arches need to be limited to traditional styles, just because they’ve been around forever. Today’s talented architects can incorporate this aesthetically pleasing, useful feature into many building styles.

So, how much do you really know about the concepts and techniques that make a brick arch work? Let’s find out with a little quiz.

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Brick on campus

Brick on campus

College and university campuses represent a concentration of thoughtful, innovative designs that would not otherwise exist in the often smallish communities that are their homes. College towns are indeed lucky to have the work of so many creative architects and designers on display for the public.

So, let’s celebrate college and university architecture with some images of excellent brick structures on campus!

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Glazed brick: The killer of all your brick stereotypes

Glazed brick: The killer of all your brick stereotypes

If you’re still not convinced that clay brick is more than just red and traditional — despite its thousands of color, texture, and size combinations and despite many, many contemporary brick designs — your brain is about to be wrinkled.

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What is permeable pavement and what does it have to do with brick?

What is permeable pavement and what does it have to do with brick?

Permeable pavements are the hard surfaces of roads, parking lots, driveways, and sidewalks that would normally shed storm water quickly, except that they are uniquely designed to absorb and infiltrate water that falls on them. This infiltration can be achieved with modified materials, like porous asphalt that allows water to seep through it, or with gaps between small pavement units that direct water to a porous bedding material below.

Permeable clay brick pavement does the latter. The brick units themselves aren’t typically modified to absorb greater amounts of water, rather they are laid in a fashion that lets water flow around them and down to the permeable layer. Some clay pavers are designed with lugs — expanded ridges — on their sides to ensure that the proper gap between units is maintained when the pavers are put in place.

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