The best brick photo album

Brick manufacturers and distributors are generally a modest group, so even though we make and sell the most beautiful and functional building material on the planet, we usually say it in a little more toned-down way.

So, when we tell you the Brick Industry Association’s Heartland Region has the best collection of brick building photos anywhere on social media, that’s saying something! Yes, we bring you plenty of technical construction and design information, but our access to the photo collections of the national Brick Industry Association and our member brick manufacturers from all over the U.S. gives us the opportunity to share images of excellent designs in brick that you’ve likely never seen before.

Not following our social media channels yet? You’re missing out on inspiring works from your colleagues who are breaking new ground with an ancient material. Don’t be left behind! Follow us now using the buttons below, and check out a sample of what we have to offer from our Instagram feed in the sidebar.